Super degraders will help breakdown contaminents and bring soil back to life.
Plants are supported by a vast, invisible world of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in and around their roots, stems, leaves, seeds, pollen, fruits, and flowers.
Soil probiotics support plant health by increasing the availability of nutrients, enhancing plant root growth, neutralizing toxic compounds in the soil, making plants more resistant to disease, heat, flooding, and drought, and deterring pathogens and predators. Microbes and plants are intimate partners in virtually every life process.
Let us put soil biology to work for you.
Virtually every aspect of plant health is affected by interactions with microbes.
Soil probiotics will help increase germination, yield and quality.
Soil fertility at the biological level is a new frontier in maximizing crop production. Often overlooked, and taken for granted, soil biology is necessary to make nutrients available to crops.
We are soil biological specialists. Using our toolbox of microbial products we can help you take your soil fertility and plant productivity to the next level. -James Henderson
If you want a richer and greener lawn or garden probiotics may be the helping hand you need.
Over 80% of the chemical reactions a plant undergoes in the uptake of nutrients are facilitated by a microbe. Adding more of the right microbes will improve your crops.
Nitrogen fixing bacteria help convert waste into valuable plant resources. We can help break down plant and chemical residues.